Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nomadic Voice of me.....

Beware: The writer is in a state of nostalgia…Ppl, vth some expectations and admirations of the previous works of this writer (I bet, no 1!!!), plz, keep away….

Well, itz amazing to c myself ready to blog for the 5th consecutive day….Never was sooo determined to blog…Donno y, but am into it…Yeah, seriously into it…Thnks to Neha, Avii, Manasa_Chandra, Mansi, Vamsi n Jagan for their valuable comments….Browsed thru many blogs ( courtesy: Neha’s blog) n was amazed by some really wonderful writings….Most of the bloggers, are of ma age group….(20s, for ppl feeling dat am a granddad, telling some fables to ma grandchildren….) and they r doing really good…

Fables, yah, reminds me of those, I’ve heard in ma school days….Used to hear them from our Dear miss (used to call ‘em so…). Hey, u know wat? V also, used to have sleeping hours in the afternoon, where v are made to sleep by force….but now, they jus lost recognizing the importance of sleeping hours during the school timings…At least a small nap during boring lessons…Hey, dat reminds me of a episode of Tom n Jerry in vch Tom keeps match sticks under it’s eye lids to keep them from falling….lolz, never used to miss one…..

Match sticks are also used by most of the people for cleaning their ears….Most of the people in India remove wax from their ears, using match sticks….I think, even the creator of the match stick might not have predicted this use b4 inventing it….

India is my country…All Indians are ma brothers and (blurp)”. Never used to spell the word, whenever I was made to recite a pledge…My God!!! Never will I get a chance to marry an Indian woman, had I repeated the pledge as it is….

Marriage… a journey of 2 souls , bonded 2gether, sharing happiness n sadness, comforts n troubles, fights n coaxes, responsibilities and relishing moments….Wow, jus love the way, marriages are done here, in this part of the world….Used to always, look for some marriages, coz, itz always the same thing…gals coming in pretty cool dresses…half-sarees, skirts, chudis, gagras, sarees n many more( the thing is, I donno any more outfits other than these n middies n minis…)

Sarees…Well, gals look appealing in sarees rather than in any other outfit…Donno who invented it, but shud definitely felicitate that cool designer dude….Heard dat, they used to wrap up, the 7 feet length saree into a match box….Ah! match box again……yeah, Another use of match sticks…Can throw them away and use the match box for preserving the saree….

Hmm…Think dats enuf for 2day….Yawn, am feeling sleepy today…Donno wat I did, was in some kinda mood, vch I haven’t been b4…wanna link up all the things…wanna pester ppl vth my Qs…Wanna wail away time, writing something…Something…some crap….

1 comment:

Avinash Matta said...

yes, it is crazy, it is crap, it is a linked up cooked up khichdi.....but dude it was fun reading was a very light hearted write up which i enjoyed