Sunday, May 4, 2008

Perfect Holiday

Never thot that I'd be posting this article so soon.....Well, as am in holidays, was jus wondering 
2day how to spend these was a common feeling of all the studs feel that their holidays haven't been spent properly n wish that they get some more....( I always used to feel so). So, dat made ma self_ proclaimed_ genious mind to think of a Perfect Holiday for maself....

After racking ma brain for some time( vch i generally don't do often), I've decided dat it'd b gr8 to spend time in a hill station....Yes it'd  indeed b gr8, in a Hill station...Njoying a large
mug of hot steaming coffee....Wow...Sounds good...But, All the ppl like to wail away their time coming to hill stations in summer....It'd  b like any other place...So, Ruled out....Hmm..Wat next?

Well, howa bou' any happening city vth lotsa places to c, lotsa malls to cover, vth many friends&, it'll b like going to meet em'...n will die answering all the Qs
frm relatives abt future, career, ambitions, n finally gals for matches...No way...Bet, it'll
b like Hell.....

Hell...How bou' hell? Well, haven't given a thot how it'd b like going to hell for vacation...Well, If hellz full, then v can go 2 heaven...can Hii say to Rambha, Urvashi n Menaka...
(Guess, wat they'll b doing now!!!)..Imagine all the Gods swimming in the beach of ecstasy

Hmm..How bou' a beach?? Well, dat wud b fine i guess....A Beach...A beach...Yeah, a beach, where there wud b ppl sun drying themselves...Wow... Gotta a Brilliant Idea.....C...It looks like this.....

Me, on an easy chair....jus in some shorts, vth some cool googles, under the shade of a umbrella...looking at the beach...n Ofcourse..Most important of all...puffing a CUBAN CIGAR...
Wow...Cool..but somethingz still missing...Yeah, a book...Any book...Wud prefer some of Sidney's or Chethan Bhagat's...( heard hez onto
 his 3rd book titled...3 Mysteries in ma Lyf..or something like that)..Yeah dat wud do...

No relation vth this busy, external world, nothing to worry, no need to 
think, no need to maintain schedule, no need to give a damn abt the hair style or the
latest fashions...Whoa, d thot itself makes ma face glow...Wish, I'd a chance to spend ma day 
this....But, hey, haven't even puffed a fag once in ma lyf, so do u think, dat I can stand to 
the strongness of the cuban cigar???


Avinash Matta said...

bujji, ayye sariki neeku chala ekkuvaindi ani anipichatledha??? cuban cigar anta??? it doesnt suit a lean mean figure like you man.....let's go the gym first, build a macho body, then think of a cuabn cigar, flowery shorts , topless on the beach etc etc....

Reema said...

I find chetan bhagat over rated and over hyped....beach is nice for winter holidays not summer!!! Hill station will be better