Saturday, May 3, 2008

Back vth a Bang!!!

Well, Donno y I've avoided  ma mouse from clicking link to ma Blog (Always was b4 me in
the speed dial of Opera)....Been pretty long since I'd had a glance @ this courtesy ofgoogle...
The last post beenz almost 5 1/2 months back...Lotsa things happened in these 5 months...
Vch included me passing outta our cllg...
PVPSIT vch has  been ma abode for 4  gr8 yrs...

Well, wat shall I begin vth? Hmm..nothing spicy n tangy for now...Coz,today's xam  has been 
the  last one in ma college lyf, n I jus wanna take ma day off....But donno wat 
chemical in 
ma Brain made me peep into ma blog n here I am typing this wondering wat to scrap now...

Okie, lemme tell u guyz how ma stay in PVPSIT has been....First of all..Earned lotsa close
 pals...Ofcourse Lotsa gal frnds too...
All have been vth me thru thick n thin..Still can
 remember the day when I walked in the C&DS class taught by Mr.L.Srini Babu....Hmm....
The place where ma 
crush used to sit....The parapit wall where v all used to sit after the 
lunch...The affection I've developed for ma 
Anchor cut Beard style...The silent strikes
 made by  mewhen am pissed off....The close moments shared vth Avii( Yes, M.Avinash
 of CSE,PVPSIT)....The liking I've developed for our IT HOD(Owe a lot to u Maam!!!)....
Hey, am being Emotional yaar.....Hmm...The Get2gether vch I anchored.....The  snaps 
taken...The video v made for our cllg....(Thot ma princi wud fume flames at me!!! lolz)...
The Project vch our Team did....
(Small self appraisal here...The jntu xternal frm
Vignan liked our project n  copied in his pen- drive!!!)
...The Tours I've made...
( NIT W, IIM B'lore, RVRJC)...Ma Last synergy.....The Trip to Sharma Dhaba n Tenali...
B'day celebs of frnds....Well, The list is never ending...

Hmm....Okie...dats it for now...Gotta go out now...But, Will assure u guyz, dat am gonna blog
frequently from now on...n one last note....As usual, This May is going to
be a tough time
for me....coz, am gonna part some of ma close buddies....Donno y every May, the same
thing repeats again....



Avinash Matta said...

gr88 to see you back on blogging...really missed ur posts these many days. happy to see you back vth that bang and hope you continue regularly....

Reema said...

i think u should write whole words while blogging...its not like writing sms u know where u need to squeeze everything u have to say in one message length!! Makes reading easier...