Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Genuine Tribute....

Disclaimer: This work is purely original n bears a close resemblance to the writer. All the definitions
are taken from Wikipedia and the writer is gratefully thankful for the assistance it offered in
scrapping this. Writer’s conscience says, it has never seen the writer to be this emotional when scrapping one…Writer says that it is against his policy to scrap something like this, but also, at the same time inevitable.

Well, y didn’t I look at ma Blog all these days??? After all that resolutions that I took up saying dat, I’d update ma Blog daily??? Hmm, seems like ma hobby of blogging turning out to be a daily chore….Nyways, here I am…back…Yeah, back again blogging here…First things first…Thanks to Reema for her valuable comments…

This article is dedicated to a very dear old friend of mine, whoz back embracing the folds of friendship vch v owned 2 yrs back…Am grateful to have u back mate…

What exactly is Friendship is? Let’s see wat Wikipedia has got to say: Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans.

Is that all? Does cooperation and supportive behavior btw 2 or more humans define the entire meaning of such a heavy word –FRIENDSHIP???? Nope…Definitely not…It got some more…Yeah some more… a
relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection along with a degree of
rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.

Yeah, a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Y did u ever miss this last
sentence mate? U sowed the seed of friendship…u watered it…U looked after it…n u forgot to take the
fruits of it… Y???

Wat are Friends for???
Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards
each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge,
and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior,
such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors.

Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.

Yeah, is that wat v have gone thru? Y didn’t I come to ur mind, when am the actual one, who needs to be there? Have u missed the clause dat, friendship meant to be a combo of joys as well as hardships? Have u thot that this old chum of ur’s wud feel it a burden to share ur hardships?? Temme mate…dat u hasn’t considered the odds in this sacred bond of ours….

Itz high time mate, never mind...itz all in the saying. Better late than Never…Swear, I’m really grateful for ur return mate… Afterall, friendship is a combo of all hardships as well as joys…

P.S: Comments are entertained. But Ppl, plz don’t say that I’ve bored u all vth this stuff. N this is not
       the JUNK, am generally posting these days…..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nomadic Voice of me.....

Beware: The writer is in a state of nostalgia…Ppl, vth some expectations and admirations of the previous works of this writer (I bet, no 1!!!), plz, keep away….

Well, itz amazing to c myself ready to blog for the 5th consecutive day….Never was sooo determined to blog…Donno y, but am into it…Yeah, seriously into it…Thnks to Neha, Avii, Manasa_Chandra, Mansi, Vamsi n Jagan for their valuable comments….Browsed thru many blogs ( courtesy: Neha’s blog) n was amazed by some really wonderful writings….Most of the bloggers, are of ma age group….(20s, for ppl feeling dat am a granddad, telling some fables to ma grandchildren….) and they r doing really good…

Fables, yah, reminds me of those, I’ve heard in ma school days….Used to hear them from our Dear miss (used to call ‘em so…). Hey, u know wat? V also, used to have sleeping hours in the afternoon, where v are made to sleep by force….but now, they jus lost recognizing the importance of sleeping hours during the school timings…At least a small nap during boring lessons…Hey, dat reminds me of a episode of Tom n Jerry in vch Tom keeps match sticks under it’s eye lids to keep them from falling….lolz, never used to miss one…..

Match sticks are also used by most of the people for cleaning their ears….Most of the people in India remove wax from their ears, using match sticks….I think, even the creator of the match stick might not have predicted this use b4 inventing it….

India is my country…All Indians are ma brothers and (blurp)”. Never used to spell the word, whenever I was made to recite a pledge…My God!!! Never will I get a chance to marry an Indian woman, had I repeated the pledge as it is….

Marriage… a journey of 2 souls , bonded 2gether, sharing happiness n sadness, comforts n troubles, fights n coaxes, responsibilities and relishing moments….Wow, jus love the way, marriages are done here, in this part of the world….Used to always, look for some marriages, coz, itz always the same thing…gals coming in pretty cool dresses…half-sarees, skirts, chudis, gagras, sarees n many more( the thing is, I donno any more outfits other than these n middies n minis…)

Sarees…Well, gals look appealing in sarees rather than in any other outfit…Donno who invented it, but shud definitely felicitate that cool designer dude….Heard dat, they used to wrap up, the 7 feet length saree into a match box….Ah! match box again……yeah, Another use of match sticks…Can throw them away and use the match box for preserving the saree….

Hmm…Think dats enuf for 2day….Yawn, am feeling sleepy today…Donno wat I did, was in some kinda mood, vch I haven’t been b4…wanna link up all the things…wanna pester ppl vth my Qs…Wanna wail away time, writing something…Something…some crap….

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

S/w Manager Bangaya Hero.....

Well, wat xactly happens when an intelligent manager (Consider a S/w firm Manager here) becomes a Tollywood actor??? This was wat Avii gave me when I asked him a topic to blog on….

Disclaimer: The things mentioned here are not aimed @ one particular person…Any issues or debates, well, u always got an option, jus click the red marked cross on the right top of the page….

First things first….U need to know how a typical telugu flick looks like, to start off vth…Hmm, if u haven’t watched any, well, can say, dat u have’nt risked ur lyf till now, if u have, u might have got xperience by now…

• Anything can happen in a Telugu flick (Mind u, am speaking of TYPICAL telugu films…) Yah, anything….
• Trains moving back jus by a movement of a finger (for guyz, trying it out, u shud use Index finger…)
• Landing in Pakistan jus by travelling by a glider( Shud mention here, a glider doesn’t have a motor)
• An expelled army major, vth a bullet in his heart, fighting off 400 goons…
• A group of dancers wearing colorful dresses n dancing when a hero proposes to a gal….
• Hero in dreams landing in Netherlands for a duet vth heroine... (Nothing is Impossible!!!)
• Polygamy… (A hero can have a max of 3 wives…Yeah, not more than that...)

And many more scintillating facts…..

Now, imagine a S/w firm manager, getting into Telugu movies as a hero… The hero introduction wud be something like this….A man, working hard on a Super Computer, rubbing his forehead, swiping away his sweat, concentrating hard, and Aila, hez done it…Yeah, cracked the US secret service data-base for finding the lost rabbit of his beloved’s, roaming in
Area-51. And the producer’s hints us here that the hero has got a very good background in the second half, in vch he simply, kills 40- 50 goons jus by a punch…..

Most of the dream duets wud be in labs, vth computers as background ….Hero, obviously is a computer geek (vth shirt tucked in, Id card through out the movie)…n then the heroine seen always complaining abt our dear hero’s passion for computers….Well, the title wud be something like…JAVA REDDYBorn for Computers… n the movie will b a combo of various English, Hindi and Tamil movies (though the producer & director never agrees!!!)..The movie is aimed particularly for the Uth, who have a feeling that Java is not their cup of tea (gr8 message at the end!!!)…There’ll b a devastating fight scene in vch our hero, kills the villains in some far off jungle jus by a click of mouse from his place(Villains generally don’t have a taste for selecting good picnic spots….)

Our heroine wud b a daughter of a shop keeper who sells computer hardware n our hero falls in love vth the gal in the first sight itself….The moviez gonna contain 6 songs, all of vch stars our hero( big big computers in the back ground)…… The movie wud be released all over the world vth a minimum of 1000-1500 prints n our hero will b on a world tour for the promotion of his film…Well, forgot an important thing…The Audio release function of the movie will be done in Sahara desert, for vch MJ is going to come…(Poor MJ, donno wat to say there, so, by-hearting a few lines scribbled by our native writers) and meanwhile, the fans of the hero, will be busy making cut outs of their favorite hero vth catchy titles like..Fire StarJava StarPole Star (Oops, make it Hole Star then…lolzz)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Six or Out???

Well, it has become customary for me to blog every day, these days….Donno y,….But feel like am being
addicted and am peeping into ma blog every now n then……Well, this post had been in ma mind rite frm
the day I watched OSO( Oh Sruthi Oh) :D….

20 yrs back…..

A dad talking vth his 10 year old son….
Dad: Son, u’ve got a 2 month vacation for ur summer holidays….Where shall v go this summer?
Son: No, dad…I jus wanna stay here…Am planning to join the summer cricket training camp…


A dad talking vth his 10 year old son….
Dad: Son, u’ve got a 2 month vacation for ur summer holidays….Where shall v go this summer?
Son: No,dad…I jus wanna stay here…Am planning to join Gym…Wanna build a Six pack like S Khan.

This is the present trend in Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood, n in a few days itz gonna be in Lolliwood too… Heroes shaping up their bodies to six ,eight n even twelve packs ….Directors boasting of the appearance of the hero in their movies… producers running for Itemboys rather than Itemgirls….Designers designing their dresses, as if India is in a severe cotton crisis… Choreographers acting as mere ramp- walk teaching professionals…. n camera men busy zooming the abs of the hero….

Hero in a press meet says: “I’ve taken extraordinary care, so that ma fans can counts the no of ribs I’ve got…”

Director’s words:
"The story requires our hero to build a six pack, so that he can easily
reflect back the bullets fired by the villains…”

“Our heroz done a fantastic job, cutting down his diet to jus 2 slices of tomatoes
for lunch…working out for 18 hrs a day in gym, hez jus amazing….”

Well, this is how, the press meets b4 the release of the movie goes like…Heros build six packs, coz the
story requires it(Well, is it the hero beating the villains or his six pack doing the job??? A million dollar question!!!)…Yeah, the story requires it in a song sequence, where our hero needs to do ramp walk….

India is such a country in which

  • Cricket is a religion,
  • Bollywood stars are demi gods,
  • Junk food is preferred over traditional food,
  • Temples are built for heroines,
  • Politics are family affairs,
  • Therez no place for Intellectual minds,
  • Samosa n Jalebi is still the breakfast of a common man,
  • Students still get a holiday, coz itz raining outside and the classroom roof is leaking from inside,
  • U can find Software Engineers working for peanuts,
  • And finally, a place for the Youngsters who are going to bear this country’s prestige on their shoulders, who are going to build up 2morrow’s world, by fuelling up 2day’s Idea….
Well, if these youngsters, jus follow their Icons on the screen blindly, what are they going to end up vth?
How can u expect a hero whoz got a family pack till then to build a Six pack with in months
(Wonder, a hero did it in less than 3 months!!! ) n is this wat, they are going to tell to the youngsters?? Work 18 yrs a day, have only 2 slices of tomatoes for lunch, avoid chocolates….Crap….

Monday, May 5, 2008

Save Our Next Gen

Well, 2day I was jus browsing thru some of ma frnds blogs....n came across this hilarious post....Was jus unable 2 control maself from laughing...was rofl for quite some time after reading this.....


In Tamilnadu, there is a well known person by name, Mr. Jeppier, Chairman of Sathyabama
deemed university and some more self financing colleges, always speaks in English. That college      students have collected & published a book by name "Jappier's Spoken English"
..... Njoy ...........with his..............English..............

Now, here are some classic English sentences from the great "Jappier's Spoken English"

At the ground:
All of you stand in a straight circle.
There is no wind in the balloon.
The girl with the mirror please comes her...{Means: girl with specs
please come here).

# To a boy, angrily:
I talk, he talk, why you middle middle talk?

# While punishing students:
You, rotate the ground four times...
You, go and understand the tree...
You three of you stand together separately.
Why are you late - say YES or NO .....(?)

# While addressing students about Dress Code: (he is very strict abt this )
Every body should wear dress to college

Boys no proplum

Girls are pig proplum ... (pig=big)

Girls should wear only slawar no nitee.

# Sir at his best:
Sir had once gone to a film with his wife. By chance, he happened to
see one of our boys at the theatre, though the boy did no t see them.
So the next day at s school... (to that boy) - "Yesterday I saw you
WITH MY WIFE at the Cinema Theatre"

# Sir at his best inside the Class room:
Open the doors of the window. Let the atmosphere come in.
Open the doors of the window. Let the Air Force come in.
Cut an apple into two halves - I will take the bigger half.
Shhh...Quiet, boys...the principal JUST PASSED AWAY in the corridor
You, meet me behind the class. (Meaning AFTER the class..)

This one is cool >> "Both of u three get out of the class."
Close the doors of the windows please. I have winter in my nose today...
Take Copper Wire of any metal especially of Silver.....
Take 5 cm wire of any length....

Last but not the least some Jeppiar experiences ...

Once Sir had come late to a college function, by the time he reached,
the function had begun, so he went to the dais, and said, sorry I am
late, because on the way my car hit 2 muttons (Meaning goats).

At Sathyabama college day 2002:

"This college strict u the worry no .... U get good marks, I the
happy, tomorrow u get good job, jpr the happy, tomorrow u marry I the

At St. Josephs college of engineering fresh years day 2003:

"No ragging this college. Anybody rag we arrest the police "

VERY IMPORTANT : ok enjoy this English, but dont forget your English !!

Courtesy: Mr.Jagan     

Well, If a Chairman of a prestigious college in India is speaking this kinda butler english, jus imagine
the fate of all those little children in rural areas, who go to schools to learn something in english....Itz 
a known truth that some politicians of India, when on abroad trips, take translators along vth em'. Jus
imagine a foreigner telling his friends "India politicians, can't even order a cup of coffee in english..."

I think, dat, the people who r in such eminent positions shud be tested of their English skills...coz, these people are the ones who set examples to the pillars of 2morrws' society....So waddya say friends?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Perfect Holiday

Never thot that I'd be posting this article so soon.....Well, as am in holidays, was jus wondering 
2day how to spend these holidays...it was a common feeling of all the studs feel that their holidays haven't been spent properly n wish that they get some more....( I always used to feel so). So, dat made ma self_ proclaimed_ genious mind to think of a Perfect Holiday for maself....

After racking ma brain for some time( vch i generally don't do often), I've decided dat it'd b gr8 to spend time in a hill station....Yes it'd  indeed b gr8, in a Hill station...Njoying a large
mug of hot steaming coffee....Wow...Sounds good...But, All the ppl like to wail away their time coming to hill stations in summer....It'd  b like any other place...So, Ruled out....Hmm..Wat next?

Well, howa bou' any happening city vth lotsa places to c, lotsa malls to cover, vth many friends&relatives...no, it'll b like going to meet em'...n will die answering all the Qs
frm relatives abt future, career, ambitions, n finally gals for matches...No way...Bet, it'll
b like Hell.....

Hell...How bou' hell? Well, haven't given a thot how it'd b like going to hell for vacation...Well, If hellz full, then v can go 2 heaven...can Hii say to Rambha, Urvashi n Menaka...
(Guess, wat they'll b doing now!!!)..Imagine all the Gods swimming in the beach of ecstasy

Hmm..How bou' a beach?? Well, dat wud b fine i guess....A Beach...A beach...Yeah, a beach, where there wud b ppl sun drying themselves...Wow... Gotta a Brilliant Idea.....C...It looks like this.....

Me, on an easy chair....jus in some shorts, vth some cool googles, under the shade of a umbrella...looking at the beach...n Ofcourse..Most important of all...puffing a CUBAN CIGAR...
Wow...Cool..but somethingz still missing...Yeah, a book...Any book...Wud prefer some of Sidney's or Chethan Bhagat's...( heard hez onto
 his 3rd book titled...3 Mysteries in ma Lyf..or something like that)..Yeah dat wud do...

No relation vth this busy, external world, nothing to worry, no need to 
think, no need to maintain schedule, no need to give a damn abt the hair style or the
latest fashions...Whoa, d thot itself makes ma face glow...Wish, I'd a chance to spend ma day 
this....But, hey, haven't even puffed a fag once in ma lyf, so do u think, dat I can stand to 
the strongness of the cuban cigar???

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Back vth a Bang!!!

Well, Donno y I've avoided  ma mouse from clicking link to ma Blog (Always was b4 me in
the speed dial of Opera)....Been pretty long since I'd had a glance @ this courtesy ofgoogle...
The last post beenz almost 5 1/2 months back...Lotsa things happened in these 5 months...
Vch included me passing outta our cllg...
PVPSIT vch has  been ma abode for 4  gr8 yrs...

Well, wat shall I begin vth? Hmm..nothing spicy n tangy for now...Coz,today's xam  has been 
the  last one in ma college lyf, n I jus wanna take ma day off....But donno wat 
chemical in 
ma Brain made me peep into ma blog n here I am typing this wondering wat to scrap now...

Okie, lemme tell u guyz how ma stay in PVPSIT has been....First of all..Earned lotsa close
 pals...Ofcourse Lotsa gal frnds too...
All have been vth me thru thick n thin..Still can
 remember the day when I walked in the C&DS class taught by Mr.L.Srini Babu....Hmm....
The place where ma 
crush used to sit....The parapit wall where v all used to sit after the 
lunch...The affection I've developed for ma 
Anchor cut Beard style...The silent strikes
 made by  mewhen am pissed off....The close moments shared vth Avii( Yes, M.Avinash
 of CSE,PVPSIT)....The liking I've developed for our IT HOD(Owe a lot to u Maam!!!)....
Hey, am being Emotional yaar.....Hmm...The Get2gether vch I anchored.....The  snaps 
taken...The video v made for our cllg....(Thot ma princi wud fume flames at me!!! lolz)...
The Project vch our Team did....
(Small self appraisal here...The jntu xternal frm
Vignan liked our project n  copied in his pen- drive!!!)
...The Tours I've made...
( NIT W, IIM B'lore, RVRJC)...Ma Last synergy.....The Trip to Sharma Dhaba n Tenali...
B'day celebs of frnds....Well, The list is never ending...

Hmm....Okie...dats it for now...Gotta go out now...But, Will assure u guyz, dat am gonna blog
frequently from now on...n one last note....As usual, This May is going to
be a tough time
for me....coz, am gonna part some of ma close buddies....Donno y every May, the same
thing repeats again....