Saturday, April 21, 2007

‘P’lz ‘B’ 4 ‘S’omemore Time, I ‘R’eally miss u………...

P’lz ‘B’ 4 ‘S’omemore Time, I ‘R’eally miss u………...

Happy, Worried, Dejected, Sad, Lonely, Frustrated, Depressed…….may ‘B’ an infinite array ‘S’hud b declared for describing my moods now-a-days. Yeah, u do face all these when u feel a major ‘P’art of u’r soul being ‘R’ipped apart….. Changes r natural & inevitable but y do u’r heart crave 4 ppl even though u know they rn’t going to stay 4ever vth u??

‘R’esolutions, responsibilities, passions, ‘P’riorities, habits …….. all points ‘U’ - weathered by ppl ‘S’urrounding u. There’ll ‘B’ ppl who influence u a LOT n itz really hard to part them….Y did GOD ever create this education, science, technology??? Wish the world b 4ever in prehistoric age where there rn’t ny computers r mobiles r these bloody JOBS. How nice it wud b if ppl settle at a place vth nothing 2 do save raise families. No Tensions, no worries, no woes, no departions, no silent cries & nothing 2 ‘LOSE’…….

Wat can one do except accept fate, wat can u’r tear ‘S’tained cheeks do r heavy eyelids do??? How far wud music divert strained mind??? Wat can buddies do if they don’t know the war fought in u??? How far wud books negotiate slee’P’less nites? How can dark circles beneath u’r eyes reveal u’r heart??? Wat can u’r keyboard do except curse u for torturing keys??? Wat can MSWORD reveal apa’R’t from saving n modifying u’r texts??? Wat can u’r staff do apart from thinking u’r overburdening u’rselves??? Wat can slam ‘B’ooks do if u have _ _ _ tattooed in u’r heart???

How can Aish impress u r Schumi inspire u when u donno where u’r heading to? Ya, u need to change….U HAVE TO…..I’ll…..

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