Thursday, November 29, 2007

DATE 2 b dated...

Well, heard most of d guyz saying 

“got a date 2day”

“Man, shez gorgeous in white”

“Sure, itz a date”

“Yep, sharp 7.00pm, How Bou’ GOURMETS?”

“Yah, remember, this Sat…PATISSERIE”

DISCLAIMER: Herez a DATE, Ahem…a typical DATE 2 b precise…n this is completely born outa sheer imagination n is no way related 2 this bug_in_mind writer’s personal life. Any issues or coincidences, mail to: godalmighty@heaven.calm.

Ξ, itz already quarter past 8.00. Been 2 hrs chewing this gum, Gawd, give these gals some time-sense,            apart from the patience of lending their face 2 a beautician for one whole goddamn hour.

Shef: Hiii, Sorry for being late, how long have u been waiting?

Akki: Hey, never mind, jus an hour….

ξ, am sorry…really sorry…..

Akki: Wow, u look gr8 in blue.
[Writer’s dialog: Arghh!, same ol’ stereotyped dialog, change it man,             change it]

ξ, Sushi said d same…..

Akki: [undertone:
Ξ, she must b blind]. Really? Well, wat shall v begin vth?

Shef: Hmm, wud like 2 start vth some hot chocolate.
[Writer’s dialog: Think abt d bakra’s heart on seeing           d  bill]

Akki: Bearer, One Bowl of Minestrone for me and a mug of steaming chocolate for the lady. [Writer’s            dialog: Cut these filmy dialogs yaar]

Shef: Wow, u like Italian? I jus Luv it…..

ξ, GLUTTONS specializes Italian food, particularly Minestronez damn

Shef: Wass that beard style?

Akki: Well, ahem….Yah, trying for a plait, jus like Johnny Depp in d PIRATES.

Shef: Hmm…so, therez gonna b Capt. Akki Parrot then…..hahaha

Akki: Watever…...

Akki: Hey, btw did u chk outa the attendance? [Writer’s dialog:
Ξ, Yaar, u r on a DATE]

Shef: Yah, got a ton…have 90% n here comes d chocolate…Hmmm…smells good.

Akki: Wow, I jus luv d Minestrone here.

Shef: So how r d grades? [Writer’s dialog:
Ξ, Dats y I say, gals r better at nothing apart from acads]

Ξ, again .Hmm, don’t bother….U know dat am not a top class mugger….rite?

Shef: Well…Okie then, time to move…Told Mom that I’ll b back home soon…

Akki: Hey, itz only 9.15..Come on Shefali, u can’t do this u know…stay atleast for d

Shef: Hmm no Akkil, these days I’ve been pretty conscious abt my diet…Avoided
          taking desserts n cool drinks….

Akki: Wat?
Ξ, u look slim n u say u r on a diet…God only knows wat gets into the
           Brains of these girlie girls….

Well, this is how, dates 2day r goin on…Ppl come on a date, talk abt everything n nothing… are aware of everything, but feel nothing… order everything, but eat nothing…fix a date, but doesn’t have time 2 stay…May b v need 2 christen em’ as Phat-a-phat date…

P.S: Replace
Ξ by ‘My Foot’ and ξ by ‘Oh! Really’.I can't go on typing this recursive lingo again n again...n afterall, itz My blog ,rite?...[ Writer’s Dialog: No, u rn’t spelling it properly…say ‘Mmmy Footttt’...  hmm…datsss better….]

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hiya, me back again…..Itz been long…really long, me blogging…Ok, Am not again into this describing another day of ma Life here…Y is it so?

1. I’ve read Like the flowing River by Paulo Coelho. I can’t imagine myself saying some crap thatz happened in ma day after reading that wonderful book…Guyz, if u’ve got time, jus go thru it… Really good book…

2. Enuf is enuf. I will not post any articles on how-my-day went on from now on… (Psst…coz I can’t remember wat am doing these days, except hanging 6-7 hrs ol daily!)

Well, guyz lemme tell u, I took the above resolutions while I was taking a bath…I donno y, but I get all constructive thots while am in a bath…Ha, this reminds me of a wonderful word that was born in a bathroom… n the word was nothing other than EUREKA. Yeah, it was first used by Archimedes. He literally ran out into streets nude from bathroom, bcoz of finding a solution to calculate the volume of an irregular object…Letz c wat Wikipedia gots 2 say abt this word…

Eureka (Greek: "I have found it") is an exclamation used as an interjection to celebrate a discovery.

I want to share something abt wat I’ve observed…Some ppl Dance when they r happy. Some Shout when they r happy. Some Eat a lot when they r happy. Some Read when they r happy. Some Play when they r happy. Some Sleep when they r happy. Some Laugh when they r happy…Well, it all depends on how a person enjoys…It varies from person to person…Ppl may not njoy this kinda Stereotyped way of Shouting or Screaming or Dancing…V can’t complain against a person whoz reserved that hez isn’t njoying his LIFE.

P.S: The above mentioned ways are just based on observations. They DONOT contain any resemblance to the writer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nother Leaf outta My Book

Hiya, back again after a long time…Cud snatch some time off my schedule for scrapping this….u may call it Independence Day spl…Thought of going 2 Chak De India yestr’day, but spent most of the day hanging vth my sys…Been in orkut 4 about 4 hrs, played some flash games in sys, had an ear 4 few good songs, edited some articles in iFreak site….Oh! 4got of giving an intro of iFreak…Itz completely for FREAKS. For more chk

P.S: ‘trespassers (other than Freaks) will b prosecuted.

Well guyz, I learned a quite few things these dayz….

  • How 2 eat pani puris fast (At the speed vth which the pani puri valla puts it in u’r plate!)

  • To get accustomed 2 movies involving bizarre GRAPHICS. (Don’t ask me which movie!)

  • How 2 deposit money in bank(Tooo complicated for me b4…I really hate this banking stuff)

  • An xcellent remedy for ppl deprived of sleep (who cudn’t get enuf sleeping hrs!)

  • N finally 2 the fact that Ashz married…

Well guyz, thats all for now, got some work 2 do (bcame duty minded these dayz…..LOL!)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Nythingz 5ne.....

There r some relations for which u can’t find a name even in GOOGLE database...U don’t call it FRIENDSHIP, not LOVE, not a BLOOD RELATION, not a LIKING n itz nothing else.....May b u hav to christen it.Itz above all these ‘so called’ relations. Itz like something, u find everything secondary to it... u’r xams, u’r life, u’r needs, u’r likings n crushes, u’r acads....... everything. U cherish in it, u actually spend every moment of u’r life in the MOST fruitful way.

Itz not something that every person feels the same. It differs from individual to individual. U feel like u’r on the top of the world. U find all these earthly things as crap...U don’t belong to this world...U feel like u’r actually in heaven. U find everything glittering...U want to sacrifice everything, yes, Everything for that particular span of moment....U don’t expect ppl to respond the same way as u feel for itz all abt like give em’ everything n take nothing frm em’. U want to thank everyone....U want to dedicate everything u hav to em’. U find everything as a memorabilia. U treasure the moments u spent along vth em’.

U find everything gay...U wish u never come frm that sweet memories...U lose interest in wat u wear r wat u eat r how u look like...U feel responsible for everything. U’r alter ego spring to life in these times....U don’t give a damn for wat ppl say r comment....Finally in one sentence u feel like u’r on Cloud 9........

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

@ Readers Risk..........

“Wat happened 2 u”? This is the stupid question I hear most now-a-days. Yeah, wat the hell happened 2 me? Nothing...same ol’ face glares at me in mirror except a few pimples here n there (may b due 2 scorching Sun these dayz).I’m 5ne, indeed gr8......Yah, gr8 cherishing in past memories.

Time runs fast...very fast, so fast that u hardly recognize that therez gonna b an END coming soon... But still v wait in hope (Ah, this reminds me of a beautiful blog I’ve read) wishing the time 2 stop......but it never happens n itz really foolish to think abt it. Change....yeah CHANGE thatz the magical word u need to adopt. Things r’nt same all the time.... There’ll b times when u hav 2 give up u’r liked possessions, part beloveds, be like someone else even though u don’t want 2 b, kill u’r CONSCIENCE, inhibit u’r feelings......... n y d hell does ppl question when u r thru these times?

Yeah, I’m not being wat? Does India lose it sensex bcoz of me? Rn’t the rains falling in time? Is it going to affect the morale of entire nation? Y shud I justify myself? Don’t I have a right to act on my own? Ppl go for a RIDE alone, sit lonely n enjoy the OPEN AIR , be calm for a moment.......n these r the times where intrusion can cause a lot of damage....There r FORE-RUNNERS who can assist u in these times....but u can’t expect them 2 b vth u forever...So the ultimate word is change

Saturday, April 21, 2007

‘P’lz ‘B’ 4 ‘S’omemore Time, I ‘R’eally miss u………...

P’lz ‘B’ 4 ‘S’omemore Time, I ‘R’eally miss u………...

Happy, Worried, Dejected, Sad, Lonely, Frustrated, Depressed…….may ‘B’ an infinite array ‘S’hud b declared for describing my moods now-a-days. Yeah, u do face all these when u feel a major ‘P’art of u’r soul being ‘R’ipped apart….. Changes r natural & inevitable but y do u’r heart crave 4 ppl even though u know they rn’t going to stay 4ever vth u??

‘R’esolutions, responsibilities, passions, ‘P’riorities, habits …….. all points ‘U’ - weathered by ppl ‘S’urrounding u. There’ll ‘B’ ppl who influence u a LOT n itz really hard to part them….Y did GOD ever create this education, science, technology??? Wish the world b 4ever in prehistoric age where there rn’t ny computers r mobiles r these bloody JOBS. How nice it wud b if ppl settle at a place vth nothing 2 do save raise families. No Tensions, no worries, no woes, no departions, no silent cries & nothing 2 ‘LOSE’…….

Wat can one do except accept fate, wat can u’r tear ‘S’tained cheeks do r heavy eyelids do??? How far wud music divert strained mind??? Wat can buddies do if they don’t know the war fought in u??? How far wud books negotiate slee’P’less nites? How can dark circles beneath u’r eyes reveal u’r heart??? Wat can u’r keyboard do except curse u for torturing keys??? Wat can MSWORD reveal apa’R’t from saving n modifying u’r texts??? Wat can u’r staff do apart from thinking u’r overburdening u’rselves??? Wat can slam ‘B’ooks do if u have _ _ _ tattooed in u’r heart???

How can Aish impress u r Schumi inspire u when u donno where u’r heading to? Ya, u need to change….U HAVE TO…..I’ll…..

Friday, February 23, 2007

Wat Do U Call This?

Phi (1.618)….The most beautiful number in the universe says Robert Langdon, is the basic building block of all the things in universe. Also called Divine Proportion, it is present everywhere in the Universe be it a beehive r sunflower seeds r human anatomy r even in the dimensions of Greek Parthenon…Y don’t I get bored even after reading it for abt 100 times? Hiya, me back again….yup, busy now-a-days pondering over books…....Dirty minds, don’t think me as a firstclass mugger.( 4 u’r info, I never touch my Textbooks)

Wat has I got 2 do if Brett Lee gets injured….. r Chandra Babu Naidu criticizes YSR for so many mosquitoes in Delhi….. r Mauresmo beats Hantuchova, kova,gova whatever name it may b….. r Osama Bin Laden going 4 Spoken English classes….. r the brand of Sunny Deol’s baniyan….. r a cut on the lip of Shahid Kapoor [Nywayz, what is he trying 2 do? ], blah blah blah……..Y d hell do I read Newspapers for?( I really didn’t hav a bunch of Q’s 4 my supper 2day!)

‘Bunty Aur Bubli, they’r coming 2 u’r town’ in background, my left leg tapping for the tune, eyes scanning thru the pages of Da Vinci Code, running out of potato chips in the bowl bside me, mouth stuffed vth chips, observing 2 lizards on the wall trying desperately 4 an insect, phone ringing in the next room, how can I ever find time 2
concentrate on my notes lying there beside me, pleading 2 scrap a few lines in it for the assignment given, hey…… btw, wat subject is it?

Now itz ‘Aadat’ playing, closes Da Vinci code n goes into kitchen for getting some more potato chips…Yummy, they’r r really tasty, (my dad on the phone ….), finally both lizards got compromised n shared d insect I blive… I wish dinosaurs present now so that they could eat away my HOD too (he scolded me for being late for 5mins 2 class yesterday). Wat shall I do now, apart from eating chips? My eyes scan my room n rests on my pc. Turns on the sys thinking of completing a presentation left over since past 2weeks. Do u think I’ll complete it now? Noooooooway. U know, I strictly follow timetable. Itz time for chatting n orkutting. So as Blogging. Njoy this posting. Next posting will b soon n entirely different…….. (Now playing ‘Crazy kiya Re’ ……)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another Day in my Life

How did it begin?Hmmm.....remember now.A yawn vth my mouth wide open,searching for my spects,finally another day strikes.Same ol' face stares at me when i look into the mirror.A pimple on my cheek reminds me of the junk i ate las' nite...Brushed teeth blaming God 4 not giving us some kinda automatic teeth cleaning facility.Coffee now,Ahh....wat an aroma,thanks to BRU 4 d superb taste n smell.Same sensation in the spine while sipping d coffee as quoted 2 me earlier by one of my dear senior. Aw Gawd,8.00 am reminds me of busno:154(That's d only direct bus 2 my cllg) representing India's huge population a seat 2day!.Jus passes LOYOLA n y did i turn my head 2 left? Shez really cool, stylish bag,white chudi,small pony,nice dimple,good nose,bangle on a hand,nice wristband on the other(blue spots on white band),hangings.....mmmm..sounds good naa.May b some 20 yr cllg going gal .....First Strike today.Reach cllg by 8.40 n thinking of the whole day listening to the crap taught,i ask myself y did i ever get into this?

Hammayya,Lunch aaya....Sattu's W550i comes to life singing Aadat,one of my favourite numbers.Topics ranging from coming SEM xams to Saddam's death, Yuvraj's fitness,recipe telecasted las sunday on the idiot box n tried by some frnd staying in a room,Hari in 5 point someone,Ash's figure in Dhoom-2 .....hey holdon where r v? Ya, finally resting at my Agaan beard style pointed by Sandiego.....

Afternoon sessions jus sucks,as i can't act listening to Ma'm(some stuff abt p-type, n-type substrates,tubties....)Hey,am i actually listening?Noway......thinking abt Tracy Whitney in Sidney's 'IF TOMORROW COMES'.....

Finally,it happens to b 5.00 in my neighbour's watch but 4.50 in Sir's watch...Screw this Titan company watches for the key to change time......Catches the rush 122V,get down at FMP n attend Felines,the place i like THE MOST.As a Joint Sec presides over the meet for first time.Starting vth some nervous new comers n their intros,one on one debate n a meet for committe members,it has indeed occupied my left-over Brain for this eve.Reaches home at 9.20 n switch on the system n start orkutting n chatting...Finally my fingers etching to still continue writing all this crap,but my eyes seeing my nice cozy little bed........,I call it a DAY!