Friday, January 8, 2010

I’ve come out of age!

I’ve come out of age,
with all ambitions, dreams and fluttery wings.

I’ve come out of age,
with all bonds and relations binding deep within.

I’ve come out of age,
with new tastes and newer likings.

I’ve come out of age,
with emotions and attachments still growing.

I’ve come out of age,
with more responsibilities adding on.

I’ve come out of age,
with the hope of looking at the brighter side of world.

I’ve come out of age,
with my senses and sensibility blossoming.

I’ve come out of age,
with passion and quest to track my stance here.

I’ve come out of age,
with a past to narrate my grandchildren.

I’ve come out of age,

Oh Yeah, I’ve come out of age,

But, I’ve have never come out of my priorities and memories.

Dedicated to Sivy, Pratyu, Balu, Avii, Mansi and all those who chiseled the (my) inner me!

1 comment:

Avinash Matta said...

ayyo vicky uncle...............u've come out of age aaa!! uncle, uncle lollypop ivvara