Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hiya, me back again…..Itz been long…really long, me blogging…Ok, Am not again into this describing another day of ma Life here…Y is it so?

1. I’ve read Like the flowing River by Paulo Coelho. I can’t imagine myself saying some crap thatz happened in ma day after reading that wonderful book…Guyz, if u’ve got time, jus go thru it… Really good book…

2. Enuf is enuf. I will not post any articles on how-my-day went on from now on… (Psst…coz I can’t remember wat am doing these days, except hanging 6-7 hrs ol daily!)

Well, guyz lemme tell u, I took the above resolutions while I was taking a bath…I donno y, but I get all constructive thots while am in a bath…Ha, this reminds me of a wonderful word that was born in a bathroom… n the word was nothing other than EUREKA. Yeah, it was first used by Archimedes. He literally ran out into streets nude from bathroom, bcoz of finding a solution to calculate the volume of an irregular object…Letz c wat Wikipedia gots 2 say abt this word…

Eureka (Greek: "I have found it") is an exclamation used as an interjection to celebrate a discovery.

I want to share something abt wat I’ve observed…Some ppl Dance when they r happy. Some Shout when they r happy. Some Eat a lot when they r happy. Some Read when they r happy. Some Play when they r happy. Some Sleep when they r happy. Some Laugh when they r happy…Well, it all depends on how a person enjoys…It varies from person to person…Ppl may not njoy this kinda Stereotyped way of Shouting or Screaming or Dancing…V can’t complain against a person whoz reserved that hez isn’t njoying his LIFE.

P.S: The above mentioned ways are just based on observations. They DONOT contain any resemblance to the writer.