Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nother Leaf outta My Book

Hiya, back again after a long time…Cud snatch some time off my schedule for scrapping this….u may call it Independence Day spl…Thought of going 2 Chak De India yestr’day, but spent most of the day hanging vth my sys…Been in orkut 4 about 4 hrs, played some flash games in sys, had an ear 4 few good songs, edited some articles in iFreak site….Oh! 4got of giving an intro of iFreak…Itz completely for FREAKS. For more chk

P.S: ‘trespassers (other than Freaks) will b prosecuted.

Well guyz, I learned a quite few things these dayz….

  • How 2 eat pani puris fast (At the speed vth which the pani puri valla puts it in u’r plate!)

  • To get accustomed 2 movies involving bizarre GRAPHICS. (Don’t ask me which movie!)

  • How 2 deposit money in bank(Tooo complicated for me b4…I really hate this banking stuff)

  • An xcellent remedy for ppl deprived of sleep (who cudn’t get enuf sleeping hrs!)

  • N finally 2 the fact that Ashz married…

Well guyz, thats all for now, got some work 2 do (bcame duty minded these dayz…..LOL!)